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Walteria News Network Site Launched!

On May 7th, 2024, The Walteria News Network officially launched its own website, and will eventually break away from Walteria Records as its own entity. It will be here, where you can get the latest happenings from not only Walteria Records, or the Walteria Companies, but eventually the world, as we will transition from a music company to a News Outlet. Our Founder Walt Winston is a retired radio journalist who always had a passion for news, and had a vision for how news should be reported like the days of yesteryear, when journalism had integrity, and Walt vows to bring it back.

Walt as a radio journalist, DJ in 1996, while at KJNO Radio in Juneau, Alaska, on the left, and on the right, Walt in his studio at Walteria.

Check in each week, with the latest news and updates from Walteria News Network. Our News will cover a wide range of topics, including music, entertainment, and current events. Discover stories that you won't find anywhere else.

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